Jamie, Sylvia and I meant to go for a hike at Carpenter Nature Center but, when we arrived, we found out they also have a great orchard and it just happened to be Apple Fest day. I told myself that this year I would not purposely seek out apples, but if I happened into them, I would accept. I think accidentally going to Apple Fest qualifies, so apple picking we went.
Before picking the apples, we hopped on a hay ride that went around the orchard. The host described all of the pest prevention strategies they use to avoid having to spray the apples. From my experiences last year with cellulite apples and this year's mostly rotten apples from our trees, I was primed to learn about non-spray pest prevention.
Despite the fall leaves, it was actually a warm day!
At this orchard they have a tasting table set up in the orchard. It was great to taste each variety that was ripe and learn about their uses before choosing the ones we were going to take home. Plus, I am sure it saves them from having people taste and toss apples as they are picking. Good thinking!
Sylvia was a great apple picking helper and, despite the surly start, seemed to enjoy herself by the end of the afternoon. It probably helped that there were a lot of cool creatures to look at in the nature center including this curious snapping turtle.
In addition to posting about our fun day at the orchard, I also want to take this opportunity to wish Jamie a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! My friendship with Jamie is the longest friendship I have had, going all the way back to 3rd or 4th grade, depending on who you ask. She remembers me being tall and mean in 3rd grade and swears we weren't friends until 4th grade. I do not concede :) She is my friend but she is also family. A very happy birthday to you, Jamie! See you tonight for some craft-based celebrating!
Tchazo doesn't know where he fits in with this new arrangement. There isn't enough room for all three of them and he is too polite to budge in.
Luckily, he prefers trips to the dog park to sleeping on his bed. So, while the elderly and feline members of the household take it easy, he gets to run and splash and dig and fetch.
Fall is a great time to go to the dog park as the stinky, mucky parts from summer have dried up and the air is crisp but not yet bitter cold.
You are invited to meet us there. We'll be going as frequently as possible for the next month or two. Chances are Tchazo will see you, pause like this for a minute and then run to you for some loving. Then, I suggest you throw a stick. If you pet him and then throw a stick, you will be in his heart forever.