After arriving in Nelson, it finally hit me that we had been in motion for over a week. Constant motion, from one destination to the next. Motion which required the logistic wrangler and navigator of the couple (me) to work overtime. I was suddenly craving a few days of holding still so, we decided to scrap some plans we had thought we might do in other parts of the South Island and arranged to stay at the same place for 3 whole nights. We got to let our bags "barf" all over the room. It was glorious.
Our little corner room in downtown Nelson at Aurora Backpackers suited us just fine. It had a nice big window that looked out over an intersection and proved to be a suitable place for a temporary home base. Once we knew we were staying put, we very quickly filled in the time with activities in and around Nelson. As you saw above, we fit in a bit of beach time after a much needed trip to the laundromat.
We went to WOW the World of Wearable Art and Collectible Cars Museum. The museum was a funny mix of fashion and auto. Unfortunately, there were no photos allowed in the fashion sections, so I can only share some car pictures.
The wearable art was neat to see, especially since parts of it were knitted! I am sure the pieces are even more amazing in the high drama fashion show they stage each year. From the WOW website, founder Suzie Moncrieff is quoted as saying, "We need more quirky and colourful things in life." I agree! One surprising trend we noticed in New Zealand: one can get good food from museum cafes and from airports food courts. Surprising! The view was pretty, too!
(Hey Mom! I know you are dying to know about this part!)
Nelson is located right next to the Marlborough wine region of New Zealand, which is famous for its Sauvignon Blanc wine. We didn't have tons of time to check out lots of the wineries, so we stuck close to Nelson where we found a cellar door tasting opportunity that included organic wines. We had a lovely time at the tasting room. Our hostess was very kind and patient with us and brought us through full tastings of Te Mania wines and Richmond Plains wines.
I think we sampled somewhere around 12 wines ranging from Reisling, to Syrah to Ice Wine. And, of course, we had Sauvignon Blanc, too!
Cheers! One night, we found ourselves rushing to finish dinner so we could get to the beach in time to catch a sunset. We got there just in time and enjoyed strolling the long, narrow Tahunanui Beach.
When we got back to town, we found a restaurant that was still open and got ourselves a little nighttime treat. The fruit cobbler went well with our ginger drinks. I had a hot lemon, honey and ginger drink while Paul enjoyed a ginger soda.
The second morning we were there, we started out the day with a hike. Grampian's Walk started out with a pretty intense climb and reminded me why I prefer to go to the gym at night. Phew, my morning cardio capability is not so great. I woke up quickly enough, though and we did the full climb up to the top.
This map at the summit demonstrated how the fault lines run through the area. We were standing right on one!
We had the entire mountain to ourselves with the exception of one couple and their dog that crossed our path midway through the hike. We were in no rush to leave that view behind, so we hung out at the top, hammed it up for the camera and made a video for you.
On this hike, the sounds were particularly intense. The cicadas were out in full force. Cicadas are not super big, but man are they noisy! They have a sort of electric popping sound that they make individually. When many of them are going at the same time the volume can get really loud. Here is a link to someone's audio recording of cicadas.
In addition to the cicadas, we also came across a Tui in the trees. I was literally stopped in my tracks by it. It is not special to look at, but the range of sounds it makes is stunning. Here is a link to a 5 second clip that demonstrates only part of the vocalizations I heard it using. It was so neat! I am not much of a bird person and even I was impressed with the variety of birds in New Zealand. On that same hike, we also spotted a Fantail.
We also came across a fern we had heard about from fellow travelers earlier in the trip. They had told us of a fern that you can turn upside down and it will reflect the moonlight. If you are hiking at night, you can leave bits of this fern behind you to show you the way back.
Just like with Pohatu, I felt so at peace in Nelson that I wasn't ready to leave it behind. But, onward we must go! And, we didn't know it yet, but there was another amazing drive ahead of us!
I'd call myself a maker. More specifically: a knitter, an urban gardener, a food preserver, a cook, a baker, a reader, a photo taker, a budding sewist and an all-around dabbler. I enjoy using this space to record the things I see, make, eat, and do.
My husband and co-conspirator on the much linked to Mega Man hat. He is the house expert when it comes to all things with electrical cords/chargers and/or anything that requires configuring. When I first met Paul he was a smoker and a vegetarian. Now he is a non-smoker who enjoys making smoked meat in his BBQ. Paul recently dove headfirst into brewing beer and is quickly acquiring mad brewing skills. If you are really lucky, he will invite you to one of his Meat Meet Supper Club dinners or Beer Release parties.
Cast of Characters: Fanny
Fanny joined our family in 2008 and has been keeping our laps warm ever since then. When we met Fanny at a shelter in Boston, we thought she was a small, adult cat. We were wrong. She must have been less than a year old, because when we brought her home and fed her, she kept getting bigger and bigger and fluffier and fluffier. In addition to her stellar cuddling skills, Fanny’s claim to fame is that she is a polydactyl cat with a fused or “super” claw. We think she is super in every way.
Cast of Characters: Uli
Uli joined our family on Valentine's Day of 2015. We met him when he was just a few hours old and took him into our home at 7 weeks old. We are looking forward to many years of shared experiences and adventures with this inquisitive and energetic German Shorthaired Pointer pup.
Cast of Characters: Camilla Cordon Bleu
Camilla is our chicken with charm. She is usually the first one to come running to see if you have a treat for her. She is also the chicken most likely to be found perched somewhere she shouldn’t be or wandering off by herself to explore a new area first. Camilla is a Barred Rock, lays brown eggs and is the smallest bird in our flock.
Cast of Characters: Nellie Noodle Soup
Nellie is our bridge bird as she seems to hold the flock together. She usually roosts between Camilla and Petunia and can be found happily foraging alongside either one of them. The only thing that ruffles her feathers is finding herself alone. She is a Rhode Island Red and our biggest hen. Nellie is our first layer and lays brown eggs.
Cast of Characters: Petunia Pot Pie
Petunia is our crafty dodger. She is the hardest to catch and the last to be won over with treats. Her feathers are beautifully ornate which helps make up for her slightly bullyish attitude towards Camilla. She is an Ameraucana and and she lays light blue eggs for us.
In Memoriam: Tchazo
Tchazo, our Weimaraner, was born 3 days before Paul and I had our first date. During our first date, Paul and I egged each other on about getting dogs. Eight weeks later, Tchazo became a part of our lives. After almost 12 amazing years and countless adventures together, we said goodbye to Tchazo in 2014. Tchazo loved life, especially the parts that include eating, smelling, sunbathing, playing and cuddling on the bed. We will forever remember him and the lessons he taught us about joy.
In Memoriam: Jack
I adopted Jack at about the same time Paul bought Tchazo (see previous note about egging each other on), but since Tchazo was young and needed to stay with his mom for a few more weeks, Jack came into our house first. For a while, he HATED Tchazo but they eventually became 24-7 buddies. After nearly 11 years together, we had to put Jack down in March of 2013. Jack was a little crazy in the head, but we learned how to live with it. His favorite things included licking the floor, lying under the couch and gazing at me longingly. Jack was physically incapable of wagging his tail whilst being petted. I like to think it is because he was soaking up the love so intensely that it required his full concentration.
I am SO enjoying your travelog--keep it coming!