Friday, February 15, 2008

Hire a Granny

What an idea! A Swedish company has put up this website called Net Granny (here is the link) that allows you to hire a granny to knit you a pair of socks. They all use Sweden's Lang Wool - Jawoll superwash sock yarn. It seems that most of them finish your socks in 14-18 days. That is, unless you hire a popular granny that has lots of orders to finish before yours. You can even chose the funky sock which means they design something colorful for you. The prices are in Euros or Frankens, but I did a little exchange rate calculation and came up with the cost for a pair as roughly $40. That probably seems outrageous to most people but a steal to us knitters who know how long it takes to knit a pair of socks.

Go! Grannies! Go!

1 comment:

  1. indeed, that's pretty cheap for a handknit pair of socks!

    i was laboring through the german until i saw the english button... i think i did okay, too! :)


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