Monday, February 25, 2008

Late Breaking Pet News

Tchazo has recently discovered the bliss that is the heating vent. He can most often be found laying on the rug with his face taking the blowing heat full on. If the heat turns on and the bathroom door is shut, he will wait his turn outside. When the door opens he eagerly pushes his way in to resume his post in front of the vent. We have a very tiny bathroom so sometimes both dogs crowd in with me and all together we consume the entire square footage of the bathroom.

Before we brought Fanny home, I went to the store and got her a few things. One of those things was a little cat bed. So far Jack has been the one occupying it. He is far too big for it but he curls up real tight trying to fit all of himself on it.

Fanny doesn't think much of her new bed. She is more of a high-tech kind of kitty. She is quite attentive to the laptop screen and sometimes tries to catch the arrow. Once when Paul stepped away from the laptop she continued an IM chat with a friend of his. I think she said something like this, ";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;l".

This past week also marked Tchazo's 6th birthday. To honor his birthday there was a round of soft food for all feline and canine members of the TrinKnitty household. Here I am preparing the feast with the diners waiting eagerly in the wings.

The next edition of pet news will include documentation of Fanny The Destroyer and the story of SUPERCLAW.


  1. That was so sweet of you to get Jack a nice soft bed to lie on. He looks so cute in it! Love, Mom

  2. I love the look of the dogs watching you prepare their special meal and food. So sweet!

  3. You are such a bad Mom. It was Jack's Birthday not Tchazo's!

    And to clarify, Fanny typed ">>>>>>>>>?".

  4. Oh dang! Paul is right. It was Jack's 10th birthday. Tchazo turns 6 in April. I hope the MSPCA doesn't come after me for being such a bad pet mom! Watch for my arrest on Animal Planet.


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