Fun Friday started out with a trip back in time to my old neighborhood. Jamie and I went to most of elementary and middle school together and during that time we lived in the same neighborhood. Charleen (Jamie's mom) provided my home away from home, as Jamie and I used to alternate houses for sleepovers and hanging out on a very regular, almost constant basis. I liked Jamie's family because they went to Minneapolis to do things and Jamie liked my family because we allowed junk food in the house...mmmm, spaghettios.

We gathered at Charleen's house to make Cranapple Butter. It was easy to make especially with 3 contributing cooks. We peeled and chopped and stirred and smashed until we had a nice pot of goo to can.
After the day of cooking, Paul and I headed over to Genevieve's house to have a potluck dinner and watch the debate.
Clockwise from back left: Mark, Zoe, Paul, Jerri, Genevieve, Joey
Charleen sent along some herbs from her yard, so I was able to spread the wealth amongst the debate watchin' crew.
When we got home we ended up chatting with our neighbors for a while. While we were in their apartment Jack decided to fix himself a little snack in our apartment. He had eaten a good chunk of the roll by the time we got back.
Now you know why he is usually in a crate when we are gone!
thanks for the herbs! great to see you last night.