It is time to fully disclose the Rhinebeck loot.

Mug from Westcote Bell Pottery
I bought a bowl from this potter last year and was excited to go back and get another piece. Plus, the potter has a very enchanting accent.

This glass stick is from Moving Mud.
I bought a glass closure from them last year and immediately wished I had bought more things from them. I came to the festival this year knowing that part of my Rhinebeck budget would be spent at their booth. By the time we got to them, the booth had been nearly emptied from the earlier shoppers. Even with the limited selection, I still had a hard time deciding what to buy.

3 skeins of Alpaca Tweed in Andean Trail colorway from A Touch of Twist
I stopped by this booth early on in the day and knew that I wanted to buy some of their yarn but wasn't quite sure what I wanted to make with it. I took the day to think about it and then ran back at the end of the day to make my purchase. I decided to buy enough to make a shawl of some sort to keep at work for the chilly days. I am thinking I might see if it will work for this pattern: Ella. It definitely didn't hurt that this yarn was a steal at $9.98/skein.

Blue Moon - Socks that Rock in Loch Ness colorway
I have heard so much about this yarn. Last year the van full of women that I went to the festival with made the booth that was selling this yarn their first stop. This yarn sold out quickly last year so I didn't get any. With the full endorsement of serious sock knitters, I knew I had to try this yarn out at some point. I nabbed this skein from The Fold without even having to sign over my first born. I consider myself lucky.

Misc. Roving (white roving is cotton roving from Dorchester Farms)
I had to be careful not to go too far down the path of roving during the festival. There were so many beautiful choices, but I honestly have very little use for it. I make felted soaps and that is about as far as my relationship with roving has gone. I much prefer knitting over spinning. Or, rather, I like knitting so much that I won't give spinning fair chance because it would just take away from my knitting time. I did get some cotton roving to see if I can knit thrummed mittens with it.

Autumn House Farms - Herdwick Fine in Jackie's Woods colorway
This was actually my first purchase of the day. I couldn't resist the colors and it feels like it will knit up into slightly thicker, warm and toasty socks. Plus, I could look at these colors forever. And, did I mention the colors of this yarn!

Cascade Fixation
Finding Cascade Fixation was not the goal of the day as this yarn is readily available at many of my local yarn shops. However, I knew I would be needing a project for the ride home and this was a color I haven't seen before. I've been knitting with it throughout my commute and will soon have a pair of socks to show for it. I have knit this yarn into Priscilla's Dream Socks before and really like how the colors work with the short row heel.
The other bits of loot from the day are long since gone since they were eduble. The gigantic pretzel and apple crisp with ice cream hit the spot that day. Well, in truth, everything hit the spot that day and I can't wait for next year. I have a lot of yarn to knit before I can justify another day of yarn gorging so I guess it is good that Rhinebeck only happens once a year.