Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Mark and Jerri - Back in Boston

This past Sunday we snagged some time with Mark and Jerri while they were passing through town on their way back from Tara and Hal's wedding in Newport, RI.

It is always nice to see them but it was especially nice to see them this time since Mark had just returned from a summer in Africa. You can read about why he was there and what he did on his blog. Jerri was sporting a few of the gifts Mark had brought her from his trip.

Check out the skirt and the flattened bottle cap earrings!
What isn't visible in the picture of Jerri is her incredibly swollen ankle. She and Mark had a little too much fun on the dance floor on Saturday and Jerri twisted her ankle. She was in some serious need of some ice and elevation. Christi and Mark M (not Jerri's husband Mark, the other Mark) were nice enough to host our crazy group on Sunday and Christi offered up a few options for icing.
The mask option never made it to Jerri's ankle since Mark and Paul needed to see who could wear the frozen mask the longest.

The lovely ladies: Jerri, Beth and Christa

Our hosts Mark and Christi who have a fabulous new apartment with a great porch and a grumpy looking Mark.

Part of what was discussed while we were all gathered was the M6 CD club. The club was created by Mark M and is approaching it's second year of existence. Paul and I have been invited to be a part of the next go 'round. I am excited about the premise: each month one member of the club creates a mixed CD and mails it to each of the members. There are no rules about what type of music can be on the CD, which means that Paul will likely create an extremely absurd mix for his turn.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome pics! I'm trying to de-swollify my ankle while up in Duluth. Hanging out with Dave and Jodie's daughter, Liesl, is too fun, though, so it's harder to stay off my feet. The ankle is still swollen! But, less so each day. I biked to work on Monday (before I came up here for the rest of the week), so that was good, but by the time I got home, it was huge!
    Loved being with you guys! So excited about you joining the new M6 Mail a Mix!
    Love you,


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