Sunday, March 14, 2010

Spring Forward at the Falls

Project 365: Day 345

Today was absolutely beautiful, with a record high of 64 degrees! Jack and I took advantage of the day with a long walk to Minnehaha Falls. The falls were a popular destination and rightfully so. They were in a beautiful state between thawed and frozen.

The long walk really tired my old dog out. While we were on our walk, Paul and Tchazo were at the dog park. Everyone got their dose of fresh air and exercise today.

Fanny's dose of fresh air came from sitting in the open windows on our porch. She got her exercise jumping up and down and running from window to window, taking all of the sights and sounds of the outside in.

In addition to the time I spent outdoors today, I also fit in some baking and knitting time. I baked a peach, blackberry brown betty and worked on my Placed Cables sweater.

Aaaahhh. Despite the one hour time change, we still fit in lots and lots of things we enjoy doing this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. sid has been just like fanny. man, has he had cabin fever! good thing we've got more beautiful weather coming up this week :)


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