Saturday, August 21, 2010

Mid-August State of the Garden Report: Potted

A long overdue report on the garden...

The plants in the earth boxes aren't looking any taller but they are producing at a good pace. Some of them have started to yellow, but they seem to be still going strong.

We are getting a good amount of bell peppers (red, green and yellow). We put 8 plants in one box and they don't seem to be crowding each other.

The blossom end rot that appeared with out first batch of heirloom tomatoes seems to have disappeared. The tomatoes we are getting now are just the right size. At first we were getting one or two ripe at a time, but over the past few days enough of them have ripened that we are planning on making our annual batch of gazpacho tonight.

We've also had a steady supply of cherry and pear tomatoes. The plants aren't as prolific as I have seen in the past, so I haven't had enough to dry yet. If it keeps up at this pace, I may need to supplement with some from the market, so I can have a batch to dehydrate. For now, we enjoying them in salads, pasta and as an easy addition to our work-week lunches.

One of the first things I made with our heirloom globe tomatoes was a caprese sandwich. We've also been eating a lot of variations of tomato sandwiches with herbed mayo. Delicious!

The potted herbs have reached a point where keeping them from flowering is a challenge. They all want to bolt. I have been holding some of them back successfully but the cilantro and dill are done. When I pulled the dill out, I noticed that the pot also contained a tiny strawberry plant. I am not sure how it got there, but I have accepted it and let it take over the pot.

In an attempt to sustain the herbs for longer, I recently trimmed them back. I turned some of the trimmings into herb bouquets and brought them inside.

Stay tuned for the "in the ground" and "fruit-bearing" updates!

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