Monday, September 28, 2009

Project 365: Day 178

Bye Bye Ferrets

Jessy came back from Hawaii today! She came to get her ferrets tonight. She was happy to see them, they were happy to see her and I am happy to have my crafting room back. Everybody wins. The ferrets made it through the 10 days without any adrenal gland failures, bloody urine, intestinal blockage or any other of the myriad of ailments that ferrets can get. The resident dogs and cat have been shut out of the room the ferrets have been in for these 10 days for the safety of the ferrets. When the ferrets left this evening, Jack, Tchazo and Fanny all came into the room for a long smellfest. The photo above was taken in the spot that the ferret mansion used to be in. There were a LOT of smells left there for their sensitive noses to investigate.

I tried to get one last photo of the ferrets, but they all looked like a squirmy mass of fur. For example:

Whew! I am glad that my ferret sitting allowed my sister to take her vacation, but man were those little creatures a lot of work! For anyone who is thinking about getting ferrets, you should be warned that they are HIGH MAINTENANCE pets. You really have to love them, naughtiness and all, to be a good caregiver for them.

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