Saturday, July 12, 2008

Cider Hill Farm

The early bird gets the...

and the... and the ... .

This morning we woke up at 6:30am in order to get to Cider Hill Farm when the picking was at its best. Our purpose was to pick blueberries but it turned out to be a golden time for harvesting. The blueberries and raspberries are just starting and the strawberries are about done. So, we got to pick all three. I've never gone to a farm to pick blueberries before since my family picked wild blueberries around our cabin. It turns out that picking blueberries on the farm is like stealing candy from a baby. We didn't have to contend with any horseflies and the blueberries were growing on huge bushes that were heavy with berries.

The farm is using renewable energy so we saw a small field full of solar panels and three wind turbines. This farm has an old-meets-new feel.

We went light on the strawberries and raspberries but heavy on the blueberries.

I'm going to try to make a blueberry pie from scratch. It'll be my first time making pie dough. Does anyone have any killer pie dough recipes?

It was only at our last stop, the raspberry patch, that I saw this "sample" rule. I totally ate way more than my sanctioned allotment of blueberries. Good thing the local cops were too busy escorting the triathlon bikers past the farm to monitor my blueberry consumption.

Getting up early was totally worth it! Right Paul?!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, blueberries that you don't have to bend over and over and over to pick! How cool is that?! The only secret to pie crust (not dough!) is to not overmix. Good Luck! Love, Mom


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