Libby and Wine
October 29, 2009
Project 365: Day 209
October 29, 2009
Project 365: Day 209

Libby and I met in college and have been friends since. Although, the past few years we have both been busy, living in different cities and haven't kept in constant contact. When we got together to have dinner and wine at the Riverview Wine Bar on Thursday, it was like we had seen each other last week. Well, except for that we had a ton of things we needed to catch each other up on! We were so busy catching up that I forgot to take a photo at the bar, so I took a photo at home instead.
Bad Boys, Bad Boys
October 30, 2009
Project 365: Day 210
October 30, 2009
Project 365: Day 210

On Friday night, Sally and I got to use the tickets I got through the Twin Cities Free Night of Theater. We saw Rasta Thomas' Bad Boys of Dance at the Ordway in St. Paul. The show was divided into two distinctly different parts, with the second part being my clear favorite. Before the show, we ate dinner at a restaurant Sally recommended called Shish. I enjoyed the dinner, the show and, of course, Sally's company. Thanks to the Free Night program, we both got to see a show that we would not have been likely to buy tickets for, but both liked. Also, I totally need to explore St. Paul some more! There are lots of great places to eat, theaters and stores that are uncharted territory for me.
This morning was cold and there was a biting wind blowing. But, that didn't matter to me, because I had a very important errand to run. Today was the LAST day of the Midtown Farmers' Market for the year. Paul and I bundled up, grabbed our cloth bags, stopped by the ATM and then went to the market to stock up. I did manage to clean out the root cellar last weekend and am going to test it out this fall/winter. I am hoping to use local onions, squash, apples from the market and potatoes, carrots and squash from my dad to help keep our favored locavore diet going just a little bit longer into the Minnesota winter. I also bought a nice, dense loaf of rye bread and a jar of marmalade for immediate enjoyment, some cauliflower for the Life Changing Cauliflower recipe, some leeks and kale for soup and some homemade caramels because it is Halloween and I wanted to eat some caramel with my apples!
I am going to miss our weekly trips to the market during the long dormant season. But, Paul and I are going to be planning our own garden over the winter. We aim to be ready to prep and plant our very own garden when spring arrives.