Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Face Eater

Project 365: Day 312

Tchazo got a new stuffed animal over the weekend. After viciously shaking it around for a little bit, he went to work on eating the face. I think it took him less than an hour from the time he received the toy to get to the point of ripping the stuffing out of the bunny's face. It was fun while it lasted.


  1. Hi Trinity! Just because the bunny has no face doesn't mean he's no fun! My dogs routinely unstuff their toys, and then play with the sad, floppy pelts leftover. Sarah/Tia6

  2. Hi Sarah. You make a good point. However, Tchazo pulls the stuffing out of his toys and then Jack comes along and eats the stuffing. It is the 1-2-punch of stuffed animal death in our house!


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